Site icon Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Upcoming Music Events

Many people come to the Cathedral for musical events. For some this is their first encounter with the Cathedral; for many others, this is their first connection with the Catholic Church. The Church recognizes the importance of concerts:

Our churches have for a very long time played an important role in the cultural life of cities and towns. Is not the church the house of the People of God? Has it not been in churches that this people has had its first aesthetic experiences in seeing the beauty of the building, its mosaics, paintings, statues, or sacred objects; in hearing organ music or the singing of the choir? Outside of liturgical celebrations there can be a place for religious music in the form of a concert. This can be an occasion offered to Christians who are no longer practicing their faith, or even to non-Christians who are seeking God, to have access to a true religious experience, beyond a simple aesthetic emotion.  (Pope John Paul II, 1987)

Holy Mother Church has therefore always been the friend of the fine arts and has ever sought their noble help, with the special aim that all things set apart for use in divine worship should be truly worthy, becoming, and beautiful, signs and symbols of the supernatural world, and for this purpose she has trained artists. (Sacrosanctum Concilium 122)

The Cathedral hosts several music events scheduled throughout the year. The goal of our music series is to highlight and to promote music ensembles within the church and the artistic communities.  We hope you will come to the Cathedral to support these events and performances.


Check the "Upcoming" section of the Cathedral Home Page to see current music events.  

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