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Schola Cantorum

The Cathedral Schola Choir membership is made up of local professional singers who form two eight-member ensembles leading the music for the cathedral’s Saturday 2:30 pm Mass and the Sunday 11:00 am Mass.

The Schola functions as a chamber ensemble whose members have a very high level of musical experience and musicianship. Membership is by audition only. Email the director your curriculum vitae should you wish to set up an audition:

This choir sings a vast choral repertoire but mostly focuses on chant and early polyphonic music. In addition to singing for our worship, they also present public concerts throughout the year. Members assist with Diocesan events as scheduled.

Please visit the choir’s YouTube channel HERE to listen to live recordings at the liturgy and in concert.  Learn more about the Cathedral music program HERE.

Celebration Choir

Men and women who are high school age and older are invited to join the Celebration Choir whenever they are scheduled to sing for special Cathedral celebrations.  While there is no formal audition, commitment to regular attendance and practice is a requirement for membership in the Celebration choir.

 Email the Director of Music:

Diocesan Choir

The Diocesan Choir provides music ministry for some of the liturgies celebrated with our Bishop when we gather as a diocese.

The Choir rehearses and sings for the following annual celebrations.  More may be added as requested by the Office of Divine Worship.

Email the Diocesan Music Coordinator:

  •    RITE OF ELECTION (February)

Fourth Sunday Choir

The Fourth Sunday Choir is comprised of singers throughout the diocese who gather at the Cathedral twice in the fall and twice in the spring to rehearse and lead the music for the Sunday 8pm Mass. This ensemble is currently on hiatus.

 Email the Director of Music:

St. Cecilia Hand Bell Choir

The St. Cecilia Hand Bell Choir is an occasional ensemble that performs special music at Cathedral liturgies. Music reading skills are required.  If we have enough interest and numbers we will create a schedule for Cathedral celebrations.

Email the Director of Music:

Visiting Choir Program

The Guest/Visiting Choir Program is an outreach and invitation to music programs and choirs from the diocese and beyond to share their ministry at one of the Cathedral Masses.

Email the Director of Music:

Men and Women Chant Choirs

The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM 41) states that “Gregorian chant holds pride of place because it is proper to the Roman Liturgy.” Celebrating this music tradition, the men and women chant choirs will sing the propers and chant based music twice during the fall and spring at the 11am Mass. 

 Email the Director of Music:


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